דונסקי משרד אדריכלים ומעצבי פנים


Being aware of current trends, programs and budgets, as well as the influence of the built environment as workers’ recruitment enhancer, we create the added value our clients seek for. among them we can mention: Mellanox, Plarium, Ray-Q, KPMG, Medtronic, XIV-IBM, Viola, GM, Deloitte, Bank of Israel, Google, Dropbox.

We are experts in the analysis and design of contemporary and future needs of complex work/R&D/production environments.

Architectural creation and human well-being according to Dunsky Zohar Architects – Haaretz newspaper Designer Magazine

The preservation of architectural creation and human well-being, using advanced technological means, including an artificial intelligence-driven planning engine that produces objective planning alternatives. Architects Zvi Dunski and Zehavit Spitzer Zohar bring the technology of the future to the world of architecture in a wide range of projects and planning services, property improvement and urban renewal […]

קרא עוד

Seminar on standard for green building

קרא עוד

Green construction at the Bank of Israel

קרא עוד

Real Estate Secrets 3.3.20

קרא עוד

Opening the New Year with Dunsky Architects – December 19 Magazine

קרא עוד

Dunsky Architects and Designers – November 19 Magazine

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Dunsky Architects and Designers – October 19 Magazine

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Dunsky Architects and Designers – July 19 Magazine

קרא עוד

The effect of design on the quality of work in shared work spaces

 השפעת העיצוב על איכות העבודה בחללי עבודה משותפים, סוגרים חשבון,22.10.19  

קרא עוד

Dunsky Architects will design the offices of the “Taglit” project in Modi’in

קרא עוד

Fill the space, night news, kan 11

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Rashuyot Magazine

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The Marker

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The work is our life / style magazine September 2017

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The Israeli Spirit: A new book that confronts the question of what the Israeli spirit is in architecture

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Design an urban experience

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Culture designers

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Zvi Dunsky will renovate the Bank of Israel at a cost of about NIS 70 million

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Date with architect

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Water and concrete: a glimpse of a grandiose house in Caesarea

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Caesarea News, January 2012

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HeziBank TV – Zehavit Spitzer Zohar

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KARNEY TCHELET – Designe with a different light

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צור איתנו קשר

צור איתנו קשר

    דונסקי אדריכלים ומעצבי פנים