דונסקי משרד אדריכלים ומעצבי פנים

Central Africa National Archives, planning commenced in 2021

The project is planned for the country’s government, and includes approx. 100,000 m2 of built-up area for the national archives building, a museum, library, server farm, innovation center, and visitor center. It will be a representative site designed to host high-ranking guests and citizens alike. The plot is approx. 100 dunams and includes a natural rainforest, VIP path, ceremonial plaza, a large-scale ecological pond element, outdoor amphitheater, lookout point, parking, and technical areas.

חזרה לכל הפרוייקטים

צור איתנו קשר

צור איתנו קשר

    דונסקי אדריכלים ומעצבי פנים